This Is How My Yoga Practice Guided Me Through My Brother’s Suicide
If the news of these recent, high-profile suicides has you feeling down or wondering what to do—or, if the news is bringing up memories of how suicide has touched you on a deep and very personal level—here’s how to turn to your yoga practice.
Six months ago, I found myself sitting ...
The Dark Side of Meditation: How to Avoid Getting Stuck with Pain From the Past
Meditation has amazing benefits, but it's also capable of unearthing painful memories and general unease, which can be frightening or unnerving. What do you need to know to avoid being blindsided by meditation′s potential negative effects?
For many months after the ordeal ended in 2014, Jane Miller * was ...
Recent Study Shows How Yoga May Age-Proof the Brain
Another study adds to the body of research showing how yoga is a boon for the aging mind as well as the body.
by YJ Editors
Want to keep your brain healthy and sharp as you age? Keep practicing yoga. A recent study of healthy older women who practiced hatha yoga for at least ...
Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana): Step by Step
Say hello to leg and ankle strength as you seek stability and extend into this balancing pose, Half Moon Pose.
by YJ Editors
The moon has a rich symbolic significance in yoga mythology. In hatha yoga, for example, the sun and the moon represent the two polar energies of the human body. ...
Dharma Talk with Cyndi Lee: How to Go With the Flow
Wish you were better able to accept hot and cold, noisy and silent, joy and sorrow? Cyndi Lee shows us how.
On a hot day last summer, I was teaching in an old brewery turned yoga studio in Berlin, Germany. It was sweltering outside, and there were no ...
7 Reasons to Slow Down This Summer (Plus, a Calming Meditation)
What if we just decided to SLOW DOWN for the summer?
Our busy culture is rooted in doing what’s next on our to-do list, and to many of us, "slow" is a dirty word. Meditation and yoga teacher Ashley Turner, a featured expert on the Meditation Studio ...
Stop Quieting the Mind and Start Questioning It: The Practice of Inquiry
Spiritual teacher Eiman Al Zaabi shares how the practice of inquiry can both calm the mind and help you find meaning.
In my twenties, I suffered from anxiety and depression. My days were a living nightmare; I had one panic attack after another. I would reach for ...
World Meat Free Week targets healthier life for the future
Reduced meat consumption and plant-based foods are on the rise in the health industry, but it is not always easy to start leading a green lifestyle.
By Alana Khan
World Meat Free Week, held this year from June 11-17, by a UK-based charity that goes by the same name, was an attempt ...
Our Kids are More Stressed Than We Realise — Use This Practice to Bring Them Peace
Adulting is hard, but so is kid-ing. In fact, kids are more stressed than ever. Meditation can give them perspective on their thoughts and feelings the same way it does for us. Try this practice from yoga teacher and author Susan Verde with your child.
According to a 2010 American Psychological ...
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana): Step by Step
Half Lord of the Fishes pose energizes the spine and stimulates the digestive fire.
by YJ Editors
Ardha Matsyendrasana (ARE-dah MOT-see-en-DRAHS-anna)
ardha = half · Matsyendra = king of the fish (matsya = fish indra = ruler), a legendary teacher of yoga
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1
Sit on the floor with your legs ...
Are Questions Your Answer to Happiness?
Access Consciousness founder Gary Douglas explains how turning the standard self-help formula on its head could actually be a lot more helpful.
Take a walk through your local bookstore and you will probably find a self-help section. And more than likely, it’s fairly large. The global self-help industry ...
Give Your Meditation Practice Staying Power: Set an Intention
Finding the time and motivation to meditate is difficult. That's why finding the right intention will help you stay focused on your goal of keeping a consistent meditation practice.
As with every journey in life, every meditation session and practice is better when it begins with an intention. Sankalpas, ...