Team Yogahood

Leading A Successful Yoga Retreat

So, you’ve decided you want to host a yoga retreat? You think you’re ready. Well, almost. Here’s a do’s and don’ts guide by International yoga teacher Laura Burkhart, who travels around the world teaching at retreats. Yoga Teacher: Laura Burkhart, Photo Credits: Anna Liang By Laura  Burkhart Tips for Teachers Hosting retreats can be ...

Healing with Essential Oils

I have to admit I didn’t quite understand what the big deal was about “Essential Oils” until I attended my first aromatherapy class in October 2017 with Singapore-based yoginis, Denise Keller and Suraya Sam. It fascinated me that they walked around the class dropping drops of oil on palms before ...

A Beautiful Mind

You want to be calm, happy, and focused? Meditation can help. To start, choose a meditation technique that works for you... Illustrations by Andrew Bannecker By Nora Isaacs Ahhhh... Meditation. Doesn’t it sound soothing? In just 10 minutes, experienced meditators say, you can shift your mind from a state of distraction to one ...

Healthy Recipes for a Good Night’s Sleep

How often do you get that bloated feeling just before you get into bed? And then the night is ruined as the belly growls unhappily at you, complaining and reminding you that your meal at night should be gentle and easy. We all know this, yet we ignore our poor ...

Write Your Mind

If Yoga and Meditation are central practices in your life, then you know their potential to help you still your mind and get present. Writing holds the same promise, says Elena Brower, a yoga and meditation teacher in New York City. “Every time I have been in a tough spot ...

3 poses to keep your hamstrings healthy

Phtoto credits : Jeff Nelson Illustration: Michelle Graham Supta Padangusthasana Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose, variation This classic pose reveals the truth behind your current hamstring length. By lying on the floor with one foot against a wall, you can keep both your pelvic bones and spine in neutral positions as you explore the ...

We’re Yogis: The magic of Kundalini

Meet yoga power couple Liz and Nicholas Clayton who believe in the magic of Kundalini, an uplifting spiritual and physical practice that incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Sat-Nam (I am truth). The Claytons share their love for yoga with us. Liz L: I grew ...

Ashtanga Part 4: Pranayama, the Fourth limb of yoga

Pranayama is the conscious practice of applying various techniques of breathing exercises to direct our prana, or life force, in the body. By directing our breath in certain ways, we channel our prana in the right way and learn to discipline and master our senses and emotions. Model: Sherriann Melwani. Photo ...

My Story, My Calling: Anthea Ong

Former corporate honcho from Singapore, tells us about the path of self-discovery and transformation that found her more than 11 years ago. BY ANTHEA INDIRA ONG “Yoga is the reason Madonna looks so good.” This was the first time I had heard the term ‘yoga’—from a man with long hair wearing only ...

How Yoga can relieve Pain – Research Findings

If you haven’t already experienced the soothing powers of yoga firsthand, there’s ample evidence to support adding the practice to your pain fighting arsenal. Here are eight types of pain and how they might benefit from enlisting your yoga mat or meditation cushion, all backed by science.   By Yj Editors NECK PAIN Meditation ...

Ed Dailey

Ed Dailey has been a nurse for more than 20 years, and has been instrumental in introducing yoga and integrative therapy in hospitals and health centers in the United States. Ed, who will be in Singapore this September, shares his connection and love for yoga with YJSG. Source: Yoga Journal Singapore Why ...

4 Amazing Salad Recipes to Liven up your Plate

Roasted Vegetable and Orzo salad with Basil, Pine, Nuts, and Parmesan (Serves 8) This Italian recipe for cold, colorful pasta salad pairs well with grilled meat or fish, and it’s hearty enough to fill you up all on its own. For variety, feel free to sub in other veggies, such as ...